High Value Asset Shipment Monitoring
Protect Your High-Value Assets in Transit, Easily & Accurately with Calibrated Data You Can Trust
Whether it's triggering off thresholds, recording the entire passage, or engineering a mounting structure for your shipment, understanding when, where, and how often damaging vibration and shock events occured throughout the shipment of your critical assets is vital.
Acquire, Analyze and Act on Your Environmental Data: Get the most complete picture of your valuable package's journey with an enDAQ shock, vibration and environmental data recorder. enDAQ's vibration sensors and loggers offer a configurable, accurate and reliable solution for gathering data with accelerometers. These devices include two embedded accelerometers to provide a wide dynamic range to capture low amplitude vibration with high resolution while also allowing for the ability to capture shock events up to 2,000g; + Additional capabilities.

2 GB Memory
250 mAh
Digital Capacitive

8 GB Memory
850 mAh
Digital Capacitive

8 GB Memory
850 mAh

16 GB Memory
4000 mAh
Digital Capacitive
Wi-Fi Enabled

16 GB Memory
4000 mAh
Wi-Fi Enabled

Appropriate Sensor
Specific Features
Analysis Example
Custom Reports
Additional Capabilities
- Timestamps (for Insurance Policies) to pinpoint exactly when a shock event occured
- A GPS sensor to pinpoint where a shock event occured - up to 2,000g
- Email Alerts (when Wi-Fi is available) to notify when an acceleration threshold has been exceeded
- Large Battery - Continuous recording for up to 11 days (dependent on sample rate)
- Accelerometers to monitor the damaging effects of constant low-level vibrations - sample rates up tp 20,000 Hz
- Ability to upload raw data to the enDAQ Cloud
- Additional environmental sensors, including: gyroscope, temperature, pressure, humidity, light, and microphone
Accelerometer types include options for piezoelectric and piezoresistive accelerometers, not just the variable capacitive MEMS option available in most loggers. These wireless devices save data locally. Download your data post-test via USB or over Wi-Fi with your W-series sensor.
The following software analysis packages, case studies, blog posts and webinars are designed to help. Our products selector guide at the bottom of the page may help to narrow the options for the optimal shipment monitoring sensor for your application.
Customizable Analysis Software
Standard Analysis Software
Compare all software packages on our enDAQ Software page >>
Customer Stories Demonstrating How to Acquire, Analyze and Act
Visit our case studies page >>
Blog Posts on Monitoring Shipments
What Really Happens to Your Package During Shipment? |
For more posts on condition monitoring and shock and vibration data acquisition and analysis in shipping, visit our enDAQ blog >>
On-Demand Webinars on Vibration Testing and Analysis
enDAQ Cloud New Features: Manual Upload, Processing Summary Metrics, Email Alerts, & Tags |
enDAQ Cloud & W8 Wi-Fi Series: Overview |
5-Minute Crash Course in Shock Analysis |
Shock & Vibration Testing Overview (Download PDF Handbook) |
Analyzing Vibration Examples with Free Software Toolbox |
Check out our on-demand vibration analysis webinars and sign up to be notified about upcoming live webinars on our enDAQ webinars page >>
enDAQ's customer base consists of thousands of companies, both large and small, across all major industries around the world.

Learn why our convenient and adaptable sensors and software are trusted time and again by our customers. Why Choose enDAQ >>